
Payments Canada is committed to sustainably meeting today’s needs and the needs of future generations. We incorporate honest and transparent sustainable thinking and actions into our culture and decision-making.

Measuring performance

We are dedicated to the delivery, operations and governance of payment systems that are innovative, secure and globally connected. Responsible business practices enhance the sustainability of our economy and support those who rely on it.

In 2024, we conducted a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory to measure our emissions. Our inventory concluded that in 2023, our Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions were 355.9 tonnes of C02e, made up primarily of energy purchased in operations controlled by our organization and corporate travel.

We have over 30 sustainability-related metrics in our sustainability strategy that we track and report on as we work to make our organization more sustainable.

Sustainability priority areas

Sustainability comes to life at our organization across the three-pillar framework of environment, social and governance (often referenced as ESG). We will fulfill our sustainability strategy by focusing on material topics that represent our most significant impacts on the economy, environment and people:

  • Environmental focus areas include: greenhouse gas emissions
  • Social focus areas include: corporate citizenship, sustainable procurement and responsible artificial intelligence
  • Governance focus areas include: business continuity and risk management, privacy, security and data protection and sustainability governance

These topics were chosen as a result of an assessment that captured the views of our internal and external stakeholders while incorporating guidance provided by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). Each year we will reassess our material topics to update our priorities.

Committed to net zero

We recognize the importance of delivering a sustainable payment system for the hundreds of billions of dollars that are cleared and settled every day by Payments Canada. Our sustainability strategy will elevate the social, economic and environmental well-being of our organization and our community for countless generations to come.

Our organization is committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 to support a sustainable future. As part of this commitment, we hold ourselves accountable to:

  • Reducing our business travel and opting for low-carbon travel methods, where appropriate
  • Ensuring our headquarters are in buildings that are Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified and prioritize sustainable operations
  • Offsetting our remaining emissions through carbon credits

climate commitment

As part of our commitment to climate leadership and to assure alignment with similar organizations, Payments Canada has issued our first annual climate-risk report aligning with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Read the report