
Speech: Payments for Canada

Jude Pinto, Co-CEO (Interim) and Chief Delivery Officer, on the importance of a made-for-Canada approach to modern payments at The 2024 Payments Canada SUMMIT

Headshot of Jude Pinto

Jude Pinto

Co-CEO (Interim) and Chief Delivery Officer

Jude brings more than 30 years of experience in senior- and executive-level leadership positions within the financial services sector. As the payment systems that underpin Canada’s financial ecosystem continue to evolve, Jude is responsible for strategically leading large-scale delivery programs to support Payments Canada’s vision for a Canadian payment ecosystem that is resilient, inclusive and enables fair competition as the foundation of Canada’s thriving economy. 

Note: Minor changes to the following remarks may have occurred during delivery

TORONTO, May 31, 2024 – That was some great insight on future trends in payments! Thank you to our final panelists once again. And thanks to all of you — for making this an outstandingly collaborative and informative conference!

On behalf of Payments Canada, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to our sponsors, our exhibitors, our many speakers and presenters, the dedicated staff here at the Beanfield Centre, and our entire conference team.

Your support, contribution and expertise have once again made for an exciting and engaging event.

The content of this conference has been rich in ideas. Thank you all of our attendees for taking the time out of your demanding schedules to join us. You make THE SUMMIT the huge success that it is.

As I reflect on the insights shared over the last two and a half days, an undeniable theme emerges for me: A collaborative and team-based shared vision: Payments for Canada.

We’ve seen, heard and felt on this main stage the power of working together toward a common goal and the immense benefits that it brings:

  • We heard it in a call to action and a deep commitment to a Team Canada approach from Matthew Parker Jones, Garry Foster and our RTR Delivery Partners – Interac, IBM, and CGI.
  • We heard the need to combat the common scourge of Fraud collaboratively for the safety of all Canadians — including the next generation — from Robert Mara, Hemen Shah and Larry Zelvin.
  • We heard the need to discuss and determine the evolution of operationally strong, but legacy architected systems like ACSS with differing national approaches being pursued by the US and Australia as examples.
  • We heard the importance of ongoing resilience, safety and security in our national payment infrastructure and ecosystem evolution from CDIC, FCAC and FINTRAC, and also on an inspiring personal level from Laurent Duvernay-Tardif. 
  • We heard the priorities from a regulatory and supervisory perspective for national payment infrastructure from Ron Morrow.
  • And we heard the theme of continuing operational excellence driving continued trust in the operation of our existing national payment infrastructure whether they have been running for 4 years or 40.

And most importantly, the spirit and value of ecosystem collaboration has been palpable throughout this conference. This spirit we’ve seen leads me to the theme that inspires me: Payments FOR Canada.

Throughout The SUMMIT, we’ve heard calls for payment infrastructure, payment trends and payment opportunities that are tailored for our Canadian ecosystem. When payments are designed with Canada in mind, for the benefit of Canadians, we’re not just moving money. We are building something for a stronger, more resilient economy.

When we prioritize Payments for Canada, we strike a unique Canadian balance between competitors and collaborators and then create an environment for innovators to innovate and businesses to succeed. When this happens, we lift Canada towards greater global competitiveness — a goal that benefits everyone.

I’d like you to think about your own children and grandchildren or, if you don’t have children, about future generations. I personally have five children in their late 20s to early 30s so this is where my mind and my heart usually go.

There is a saying… “a society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they’ll never sit”. I don’t know about old men, but I hope we can all relate to the sentiment that: our actions today can have a profound impact and benefit for future generations.

Let me ask you this — what seeds are we planting for our children, right here and right now?

Payments FOR Canada has the potential to be just that — a generational lift for our country. And the impact of Payments for Canada becomes a legacy we can leave for future generations.

Payments Canada has a unique role in the payment ecosystem — provide safety, security and resilience in a national infrastructure that enables strength and innovation in payments. That is one of the reasons I believe in the importance of The SUMMIT: bringing you, our ecosystem, together for the benefit of this country. I hope that you share this sentiment with me.

In less than 12 months, from May 6 to 8 next year, The SUMMIT will be back in Toronto! I invite you to join us then and let’s see how the seeds we plant today…. grow.

See you all here in 2025! And thank you!

Watch more content from the mainstage of The 2024 Payments Canada SUMMIT.

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