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… customizing solutions to fit the needs of our clients. And actually, just to mention it, we've been recognized as the … it's just a way you exchange food and services and you actually grow. So it's really the base, and if you think … with Cyri this time. Cyrielle Chiron: Yeah, sure. And then actually I like these questions, when you talk about …
… knows, it was a great success. So that's where Tracey and I actually connected for a conversation that carried on … jump on John's approach to talk not necessarily about the actual innovation itself. You know, I think the message is … the process had to be that way. And I think we learned that actually we were more comfortable to move forward than we …
… it from a sort of behavioral science type perspective, it's actually not that surprising. Which I feel like is a … many different ideas quite expeditiously to figure out what actually works. Liz Dempsey: That's exciting to hear. How do … that you are getting is also built into it and it is actually specific to you and your own data. And then that …
… <laugh>. Um, so I, I need to take you on a bit of a journey actually to, to answer that. Once we heard that that, uh, … first to do so, but we were the first securities dealer to actually build into the payment system and actually use it. And then subsequently in late 2022, we …
… evaluate model performance. This use of synthetic data over actual customer data can help address privacy issues, …
… to participate directly on Payments Canada’s systems. Actually, most provincial credit unions are required by …
… procurement in late 2024. So throughout this year, we're actually going to be continuing to advance the Presto …