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… of opportunities in payments, specifically nanopay. We are actually pushing the envelope. We are trying to envision and … be quite honest. Elena Litani: Well, I guess for me, it was actually blockchain. I started to get interested in … to see how can we apply to the financial services? Is it actually applicable, and if it is, what it means, right? And …
… with the two of you. I don't know if we have enough time, actually, to cover everything, though. I have so many … probably heard this word. This is the idea that you could actually restrict the way that money is used. You could have … Francisco Rivadeneyra: But also, another aspect in which we actually see a steady trend is this appearance of cash at …
… rail system. And the high value system, and there's an area actually where you're going to see that openness is … heavily regulated entity. And the access criteria are actually regulations that have to go through the government … they are drafted and ready to go, but waiting for them to actually be finalized through the government process. Anne …
… exciting. Mike Sigal: It's kind of new and exciting too. Actually, no, we're just getting to a critical mass where it … a really fancy blender, but we will know from the message actually. If a shop buys some blenders, well then some time … Noah's Arc where you've got one of everything in there, but actually they eat each other? Are they going to get along, …
… we all are and if the different plans we put in place are actually working or not. I'd like to start with you Peter, … Cyrielle Chiron: Knowing that millions of Canadians actually rely on financial institutions every day, right? … lot of different initiatives has been put in place globally actually, not only in Canada. I'd like to actually continue …
… elements, all of the monitoring elements. So we can actually look after this thing 7/24/365. Those bits are … and we call it Jude and Jeff's cage, but Jude's cage is actually just masking tape on the floor right now. We've got … up here on the stage, but the second half of the program is actually heavy lifting for everyone. And Jude, I would …
… purchases at point of sale that cash is being used for are actually quite small amounts. It would seem hard to believe, … that came out a couple of weeks ago show that there's a actual increase in cash, and it's over GDP cash in … the last of central bank digital currencies. And we might actually expect some experiments soon. More workload going …
… during the last postal work disruption, Interac e-Transfer actually saw a big increase in their usage amongst small and … It gets down. You guys are all talking about payments. I actually don't care. Just make it cheaper. Dan Kelly: Sure, … flashy but a really big one. Dan Kelly: No, absolutely, and actually it's the unsexy stuff that I think is probably …