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… boring, it sounds like something from Dr. Who or a scientific experiment in action. For those not in payments, I've … their eyes glaze over as soon as you start with ISO part. What is it, and why is it so important? Mike Sigal: Well, … economy on a global basis, not just here in Canada. So what's different about it is that it defines not just a …
… keep up with demand from both consumers and businesses. But what is being done to advance payments modernization and … Payments Canada's vision for modern payments, which identifies eight needs of a modern payment system. So they are on … with you. And maybe you can explain to us a little bit what is open risk-based access. So what does that mean? …
… and explore the payment trends shaping other jurisdictions. What are the similarities and differences when we look at the payments landscape on a … It would be very good if you could tell us a bit about it, what are the key highlights of that report? Let's see if …
… begin, can you both tell me a little bit about your roles, what you do at your respective organizations, and how they … internal partners to bring these products and services to life and to manage them on an ongoing basis and also to … those payments. Lisa Sattler: Thank you. Nick. Cyri, what are your thoughts on the importance of payments? …
… can you both tell me a little bit about your roles and what you do at your respective organizations? And Supriya, … to surmount rather than succumb to the challenges that life throws our way. And financial resilience, I'll say, is … the environment or the ecosystem that they operate in. So what the national strategy does is take the onus away from …
… to deliver the real-time settlement of payments and what that means for the future of payments for Canada. I … months to all of us on this stage. It's been a once in a lifetime opportunity. Mike Cook, Global Payments Leader, … Canada building for Canadians. Jude Pinto: Fantastic. Mike, what does it mean to you and IBM? Mike Cook: After our …
… and Canada stating that these countries are considering if not researching the implementation of a CBDC. In this paper, we provide a look at what the real benefits are for nations to consider the … more popular: Improved Seigniorage Seigniorage specifically refers to the profit made by a government from …
… to evolve at a rapid pace, but the fundamentals of what Canadians want have not changed. According to data from … the stage for our discussion. So the question is this one, what are real time payments? Janet LaLonde: Thanks for that … payments within seconds, between accounts that may be at different financial institutions. So this can be done at any …
… retailers and paytech players are adapting to meet the shift in purchasing habits. Where to Listen: … Transcript … and mobile shopping platforms. Wendy's understanding of what consumers want from their modern day shopping … today. So let's go into it. So can you share your views on what the overall impact of the pandemic has been to the …