
Join the conversation at The Payments Canada SUMMIT Idea Exchange

Headshot Ryan Grundy


Ryan Grundy

Lead, Ecosystem Management

Ryan Grundy manages relationships for non-financial institution players in the Canadian payment ecosystem, including Fintech/Paytech, large corporations, small and medium-sized businesses, the government as a user and consumers. As part of his mandate, Ryan leads public outreach and consultation in support of Payments Canada's role as a public purpose organization committed to strengthening the safety and soundness of its national payment systems, facilitating innovation and promoting a stronger Canadian economy.

Explore innovation, collaboration and the future of payments

My work with Payments Canada’s Industry Relations team is dedicated to managing stakeholder relationships, which include the corporate sector, fintechs/paytechs, government (as a user) and consumers. There are two aspects of my job that I value most: being exposed to the entrepreneurial spirit exhibited by innovative players in the space; and building connections and fostering collaboration amongst some of the best and brightest minds in the industry as we work to make payments in Canada easier, safer and smarter.

My favourite place to build on the work I do every day is The Payments Canada SUMMIT, Canada’s premier payments event, coming to Toronto May 29 to 31, 2024.

We come together every year at The SUMMIT to take part in the conversations shaping payments in Canada and around the world. From the main stage to breakouts, we hear from great presenters who share the latest from their part of the payment ecosystem. But what if we want to build connections with these thought leaders or dig deeper into a subject? That’s where the Idea Exchange comes in.

Positioned outside the interactive zone, the Idea Exchange presents an opportunity for deeper engagement on different topics. I am honoured to have the opportunity to host this exciting new installation where we engage with some of The SUMMIT’s popular speakers.

Some of the prominent players we’ll be featuring include Miguel Diaz of the BIS Innovation Hub Toronto, as well as Kalyani Bhatia of Swift. We’ll also get to hear about payment policy with purpose and discuss the future of identity verification with David Birch. And in case you need more incentive to tune in, Daniela Aubry of Metrolinx, Chair of Payments Canada’s Stakeholder Advisory Council (SAC), will join me to explore payment innovations in the transit space, how faster payments will benefit transit consumers and the role of SAC in providing advice to Payments Canada.  

To round out proceedings on the final day of The SUMMIT, Molly Willats, Head, Financial Health Strategy, Ontario Lead at Fintech Cadence, will take the stage for the ever-popular Startup Takeover, where we’ll showcase the newest solutions on offer from payment innovators and entrepreneurs.  

The Idea Exchange will be one of the most exciting spaces at The 2024 SUMMIT and a place of collaboration, possibility and growth. Presenters will be eager to hear from you so make sure you check out the Idea Exchange and come ready to participate in discussions. I invite you to use my promo code, SUMM24PCVIP to save $100 on your ticket.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Ryan Grundy
Lead, Ecosystem Management
Payments Canada

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