
Alert: Fraudulent email impersonating Payments Canada


Delivery: Email
Subject Line: Payments Canada
Request: You receive an email indicating it’s from the Payments Canada’s billing team with an attachment that includes the Payments Canada logo. The perpetrator is asking for a financial transfer.

screenshot of fraudulent email. Personal information has been redacted.

What you should know:

Payments Canada will never reach out to the general public to elicit any sort of payment. This is a scam. Scams often appear to be sent from organizations or personal contacts, typically asking for financial or personal information.

What you should do: 

  • Never open attachments or click on links from suspicious emails or text messages.
  • If the email or text message appears to be suspicious — even if it comes from a person or organization you know — contact them to verify if it’s legitimate.
  • Never provide personal information in an email or text message.
  • Please notify us by forwarding a screenshot of the text message to 
  • Delete the email or text message. 
  • If you suspect you’ve been a victim of fraud or notice unauthorized activity on your bank account, please contact your financial institution directly.

For more information on how to protect yourself from phishing text messages, please visit

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