
Advancing payments knowledge through The Business of Payments: fall registration is open

Payments have changed more in the past ten years than in the previous 100, as the demand for speed and convenience propels innovation in the industry. To keep pace on the progress and opportunities of an evolving payments landscape, Payments Canada, in partnership with the Rotman School of Management, is launching the second session of “The Business of Payments”, on the heels of the overwhelming successful spring session.

The intensive three-day residential program allows participants to gain specialized insights into the payments marketplace. Led by informed industry professionals, participants will be presented with a universal viewpoint of payments by examining national and international payments systems, global trends and emerging forces that are shifting the ecosystem. Upon course completion, participants will sit at a significant advantage, having expanded their knowledge of payments as a whole. 

The program runs from November 17 to 20 at the Kingbridge Centre, King City conference centre.

Visit the Rotman Business of Payments website for full details, schedule and accommodations.




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